Pronađena 121 godinu stara čokolada, poklon kraljice Viktorije vojnicima

| Autor: Hina


Čokoladica stara 121 godinu, dio pošiljke koju je kraljica Viktorija naručila za britanske vojnike na bojištu u Južnoafričkoj Republici, pronađena je u svojoj originalnoj limenci u potkrovlju engleske kurije, prenosi u srijedu Reuters.  

The chocolate belonged to an English aristocrat who fought in the Second Boer War, Sir Henry Edward Paston-Bedingfield, and was found in his helmet case at his family's ancestral home, 500-year-old Oxburgh Hall in Norfolk, eastern England.

"Although wouldn't want it as your Easter treat, it is still complete and a remarkable find," said Anna Forrest, Cultural Heritage Curator at the National Trust, a heritage charity that manages Oxburgh Hall.

The tin lid has a message in Victoria's handwriting that says "I wish you a happy New Year" and the inscription "South Africa 1900", as well as a portrait of the queen.

The National Trust said it believed Henry had kept the helmet and the chocolate together as mementoes of his participation in the war. The items were discovered among the belongings of his daughter Frances Greathead following her death aged 100 in 2020.

The Second Boer War, from 1899 and 1902, pitted British troops against the forces of two independent South African states run by the Boers, Afrikaans-speaking farmers, where huge gold and diamond deposits had been found.

Victoria commissioned 100,000 half-pound (226-gramme) bars to raise morale among the troops there.

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