Studija: Gubitak mirisa zbog covida-19 vjerojatno prestaje unutar 8 mjeseci

| Autor: Hina


Osobe koje su zbog covida-19 izgubile osjet mirisa mogu očekivati da će im se vratiti unutar nekoliko mjeseci, pokazuje francuska studija.

U 49 od 51 ispitanika osjetilo mirisa vratilo se u roku od osam mjeseci, ali dvoje ljudi je i nakon godine dana imalo problema s njuhom.

Istraživači su to opisali kao izvrsne prognoze.

Studiju je vodila Marion Renaud iz sveučilišnih bolnica u Strasbourgu, a u četvrtak ju je objavila Jama Open Network.

Istraživački tim otkrio je da se osjet mirisa u potpunosti vratio u oko 84 posto sudionika nakon samo četiri mjeseca.

Nakon 12 mjeseci 96 posto ispitanika ga je ponovno zadobilo.

Svi sudionici na početku su izgubili osjet mirisa na više od sedam dana.


Those who have lost their sense of smell due to Covid-19 can mostly expect it to return within months, according to a French study.



In 49 of the 51 test subjects, the sense of smell returned within eight months, but two people still had problems with their sense of smell after a year.

The researchers described it as an excellent prognosis.

The study was led by Marion Renaud of Strasbourg University Hospitals and published on Thursday by Jama Open Network.

The research team found that the sense of smell had fully returned in about 84 per cent of participants after just four months.

After 12 months, 96 per cent had their sense of smell back.

All participants had an initial loss of smell for more than seven days.


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