Najveća europska luka Rotterdam zabilježila je rast obujma pretovarenog tereta u prvom tromjesečju, signaliziravši oporavak od poremećaja koje je prouzročila pandemija koronavirusa.
Obujam pretovarenog tereta porastao je u prvom tromjesečju tri posto u odnosu na isto prošlogodišnje razdoblje, na 115,8 milijuna tona.
U prva tri mjeseca 2020. pandemija još nije prouzročila ozbiljnije poremećaje u prometu, podsjeća agencija dpa.
"Luka Rotterdam napravila je novi korak u procesu oporavka od pada prometa u cijeloj 2020. godini zbog pandemije covida 19", stoji u priopćenju, objavljenom u srijedu.
Prošle je godine obujam pretovarenog tereta u Rotterdamu pao 6,9 posto.
Najveći je izazov s kojim se Rotterdam trenutno suočava logistika poremećena nakon šestodnevne blokade Sueskog kanala, istaknuo je šef luke Allard Caselein.
Suez je blokiran nakon što se divovski teretni brod Ever Given zaglavio u lošim vremenskim uvjetima, onemogućivši prolaz stotininama brodova i zaustavivši oko 12 posto globalne trgovine.
Pretovar tereta u lukama širom svijeta ključni je pokazatelj ekonomskog zdravlja i prošle je godine smanjen zbog pandemije koronavirusa.
Europe's biggest port, Rotterdam, saw a surge in goods moved in the first quarter when compared to the same period in 2020, according to data released on Wednesday.
The amount of goods moved increased by 3 per cent to 115.8 million tons for the January-March period, compared to a year ago, when the coronavirus had yet to cause serious disruptions in Europe.
"As such, the port of Rotterdam has set a new step in its recovery from the decrease throughout 2020 as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic," read a statement.
Port boss Allard Castelein said the biggest challenge presently facing Rotterdam is the logistics troubling the global shipping industry in the wake of last month's nearly week-long blockage of the Suez Canal. Hundreds of ships saw their voyages delayed during the time it took to clear the waterway.
The amount of goods moved at the world's ports is a key indicator of economic health. The brunt of the coronavirus depressed figures at ports in 2020.
Rotterdam saw a 6.9-per-cent decline in the amount of goods it moved for the year.