Promet u njemačkoj maloprodaji oporavio se u veljači, poduprt procvatom internetske trgovine u vrijeme strogih mjera zatvaranja kojima vlada nastoji suzbiti širenje koronavirusa.
Promet u maloprodaji porastao je u veljači 1,2 posto u odnosu na siječanj, kada je potonuo 6,5 ??posto, objavio je u četvrtak Savezni zavod za statistiku (Destatis).
Na godišnjoj razini promet je potonuo devet posto.
Mjere zatvaranja najteže su pogodile trgovine odjećom, koje su bilježile pad prometa za čak 73,7 posto u odnosu na prošlogodišnju veljaču. Vlada je u prvom valu koronavirusa uvela stroge mjere u ožujku, podsjeća Reuters.
Veliki pad prometa bilježile su u ovogodišnjoj veljači i trgovine namještaja i alata i opreme za dom, za 34,1 posto.
Maloprodaja putem interneta i narudžbe putem pošte najviše su pak profitirale od zatvaranja fizičkih trgovina, bilježeći isti postotni skok prometa u odnosu na prošlu godinu, pokazuju Destatisovi podaci.
German retail sales rebound in February amid online shopping boom
Berlin (dpa) - German retail sales rebounded in February thanks to an increase in online shopping spurred by the nation's coronavirus lockdown.
February retail sales in Europe's biggest economy rose by 1.2 per cent compared with January when they slumped by 6.5 per cent, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Thursday.
The monthly gain in February, however, was less than the 2 per cent forecast by analysts.
Underlining the impact of the pandemic on the nation's service sector, retail sales were down a hefty 9 per cent in February compared to the same month last year.
Clothing retailers were particularly hard in February by the nationwide lockdown with sales plummeting by 73.7 per cent compared to February last year - the last month before strict lockdown measures were introduced in the first wave of the virus.
Furniture retailers and DIY stores also recorded a significant drop in sales (34.1 per cent).
However, online and mail order retailers emerged as the major beneficiaries from the store closures as result of the lockdown with February sales jumping by 34.1 per cent compared with a year earlier.