Krstarenja bez cilja dovela Singapur na čelo svjetske ljestvice

| Autor: Hina


Singapur trenutno organizira trećinu svjetskih krstarenja zahvaljujući ogromnom uspjehu "krstarenja bez cilja" u vrijeme ogromne krize u turizmu koju je prouzročila pandemija koronavirusa.

Krstarenja nisu popularna u mnogim dijelovima svijeta zbog pandemije koronavirusa, budući da su se u njezinom početku upravo kruzeri bili među najvećim žarištima zaraze.

U studenome Singapur je svojim građanima ponudio krstarenja luksuznim brodovima koji nigdje ne pristaju, u trajanju od samo nekoliko dana, priopćila je agencija za turizam STB. Singapur je ove godine imao relativno malo domaćih slučajeva zaraze covidom 19.

Singapur ima 5,7 milijuna stanovnika koji ne smiju napuštati zemlju radi razonode, pa praznike provode kod kuće, a neki se odlučuju i na kampiranje u zatvorenom.

Singapurski turizam teško je pogođen pandemijom i prošle je godine zabilježio pad broja turista za 86 posto. 

Prema podacima turističke zajednice Singapura, na krstarenja bez cilja odvažilo se oko 120.000 putnika, uz manju popunjenost  i stroge zdravstvene protokole. STB nije naveo izvor svojih podataka.

Očekuje se da će Karibi od lipnja dozvoliti polazak brodova za kružna putovanja iz svojih luka, dok je američki Centar za bolesti zadržao stroge zabrane takvih putovanja s polazišnom točkom u SAD-u, navodi Reuters.

Prema Međunarodnom udruženju Cruise Lines, nekoliko kružnih putovanja organizirano je u dijelovima Europe, Azije i južnog Pacifika.

Royal Caribbean priopćio je u travnju da će zbog "velike potražnje" produljiti sezonu u Singapuru za svoj brod Quantum of the Seas do listopada.

Genting Cruise Lines i Royal Caribbean pokrenuli su probna krstarenja krajem prošle godine.

Izvršni direktor STB-a Keith Tan rekao je da u Singapuru ne očekuju da će se dugo zadržati na čelu svjetske ljestvice.

"U sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci krstarenja će po mojoj procjeni ponovo krenuti i na Karibima i na Mediteranu", istaknuo je Tan. 

STB Chief Executive Keith Tan said Singapore did not expect to be leading in cruises for long.

"Over the next few months, I certainly believe there will be more resumption of cruise business in the Caribbean, and in the Mediterranean as well," Tan said.

Singapore's tourism industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, with visitors dropping nearly 86% to 2.7 million last year.


Singapore becomes a global cruise leader, for now

SINGAPORE, April 7 (Reuters) - Singapore currently accounts for a third of the world's cruises its tourism body said on Wednesday, owing to the roaring success of its "cruises to nowhere" at a time of crisis in the industry globally.

Cruises have yet to restart in many parts of the world after taking a beating from the coronavirus pandemic, with some of the earliest big outbreaks found on cruise ships.

The city-state launched what it called "round trips" on luxury liners in November, which have no port of call and last only a few days. Singapore has seen relatively few domestic COVID-19 cases since last year.

The Singapore cruises are open only to its 5.7 million residents, who have been unable to leave the tiny country for leisure and have settled instead for activities like staycations and even indoor camping.

The cruises recorded about 120,000 passengers, according to the Singapore Tourism Board, and run at lower capacity, with stringent health protocols. STB did not cite a source for its industry data.

Some cruises from the Caribbean are expected to resume from June while the U.S. Centers for Disease has retained tight curbs on resuming cruises from the United States.

Some cruises have operated in parts of Europe, Asia and the South Pacific, according to the Cruise Lines International Association.

Royal Caribbean said this month that it was extending the season in Singapore for its Quantum of the Seas ship due to "overwhelming demand" through October.

Genting Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean launched their pilot cruises late last year.

STB Chief Executive Keith Tan said Singapore did not expect to be leading in cruises for long.

"Over the next few months, I certainly believe there will be more resumption of cruise business in the Caribbean, and in the Mediterranean as well," Tan said.

Singapore's tourism industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, with visitors dropping nearly 86% to 2.7 million last year.

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